Thin Stock Spacer
Here's one way to deal with stock that's thinner than the steps on your jaws.
I call it a Thin Stock Spacer for lack of a better name (ok - I'm ignorant
and don't know the correct name so I made one up). I've been told that some
people call them spiders.
Alan Marconett did something
similar for his 4 jaw.
Round Disc
I started out with a piece of 2" round stock. The size is pretty
Machine Slots
I mounted the 3 jaw chuck on my rotary table to machine the slots. My jaws
measured 0.313 in thickness, so I made the slots 0.320. The end mill is
actually spinning at 2800 RPM but appears motionless due to the flash.
In Use
And here it is being used to machine a piece to thin to machine otherwise.
- Machinist
- Projects